Sunday, October 23, 2011

Understanding Men during Arguments

Arguments and misunderstandings, these are common issues in any relationships. No relationship is perfect, every now and then there are bouts of misunderstandings that arises, a couple of jealous remarks and heated conversations once in a while. This is understandable. This is common trait in every relationship, no matter how educated couples are, how civil, and how much they want to settle things amicable. Dispute and misunderstanding happens in every relationship and that is perfectly normal, once in a while. 

However, men and women are complex people with differences. Both are unique species with special ways of dealing things, especially arguments.

Women are the type to settle arguments the moment it arises. When you’re arguing about something you need to clear things right there and then. That is how women. They want to settle things as soon as possible and clear the air with whatever animosity or indifference there is between the couple.
However, the same is not true to men.

They want to let time pass, let things cool before tackling the subject again and talk about the issue. As much as possible they want to avoid the nagging, the shouting that will get both of you nowhere. When two people are engaged in a intense argument, chances are the two aren’t listening to each other and would end up in a much complicated situation. Thus, men opt to retreat while women chose to engage further with the issue.


Who is Mr/Ms. Right For You?

There is no exact formula unto how one person will successfully find his/her Mr/Ms Right. However, I noticed that most successful relationships involve one dominant and submissive partner. Either the guy is the submissive peace-maker who keeps things cool; apologize despite not being the one at fault and making a relationship work or the dominant party in the relationship. If you realize that you’re a dominant type, you need one who compliments you by finding that one particular person who contains your dominant manner. 

That one person who can bring out the best in you and balance you, helps you become a person who knows that a relationship is a give and take state of affairs. This is why, if there is one particular person you are interested in, it is important that you get to know him better and better each time by starting off as friends. Have you noticed how your friends just let their guards down; show their real personality, attitude with no pretense? Even if that particular “friend” of yours is faking things, tiny bits of information will be able to tell of what kind of person he/she is.  You can’t pretend 24/7, but there will be a time a person’s true personality will show, and thus in this phase you grasp whether or not you will be able to accept his flaws, love his flaws and be in a relationship with this guy for a long, long time.

If you’re the submissive type, an introvert who is on most part is a giving person, kind and understanding with great sense of patience, you need one who will be able to bring the sociable nature in you, out in public. You need one who doesn’t stay in their grey zones or comfort zones, but one who try to take risks (with sufficient pre-cautions of course).

In any relationship it is important to find that right person who compliments you. His weakness is your strength; her strength compliments the ones you’re lacking. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

When You Have a BITCHFriend

No matter how true, and nice you are as a friend, there will always be that one friend you consider closer than a sister who will end up betraying you, once in your lifetime or maybe a couple of BITCHfriend. They're once your bestfriend, whom you treated and loved closer than your sister and yet betrayed you, seduced your boyfriend. 

She was that one person you thought was helping you and your partner patch things up, but is actually the one destroying it. For reasons we are not aware of. Maybe she liked your boyfriend and want him for herself or maybe she's just looking for thrills and she feels insecure about you. :P Lots of reasons and your bitchfriend will be the only one qualified to provide the accurate answer..

How will you know your current friend may turn to be a traitor? It is easy. Her history, her fast relationships and connections will be able to tell you whether she is a bitchfriend or a bestfriend. If she was history of betraying her friends trust and not feeling bad or sorry about it then chances are, she'll do the same with you. :) Don't trust a friend to patch things up between you couple. In the first place, it should be the gf/bf who must think of something, come up with ideas to clear and patch things up. If you keep on trusting things like this on your friend, you'll be dependent and you're not certain he/she won't snatch your boyfriend away from you given the opportunity.

This may not be applicable to everyone but this is in general. There are true friends in this world who'll stick with you through thick and thin. Through the good and bad times... and they're limited edition. :) Thus, it is important to be vigilant. :) Not saying that you should be paranoid, however, trust your instinct. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm Stuck. No Matter What I Do I Can't Move On.

You're stuck because you're in denial. Deep within you you're hoping that he/she'll realize that it was a mistake breaking up with you and you're waiting for the day he wakes up. I wonder when YOU will wake up. There is around 7Billion people in the world and you're waiting on someone who never asked you to wait or waiting for someone to wake up and come back to you but are you sure he's not wide awake already? There can only be two possibilities with this assumption. Either he will come back or you're going to wait and hurt forever. So what if the first possibility happens? No chance of re-uniting? You'll still wait? Realize that every beginning has an end. Either it ends in epic fail or it ends with you two tying the knot and exchanging vows. However the chance is slim. You'll need to go through all kinds of obstacles before you're able to get pass bf/gf relationship and get married, after marriage there is another set of obstacles to face.

Then, how can you move on? STOP WAITING. Accept the fact that he's far far away with some fairy tale princess which was never you and that he's gonna make a happy ever after with her and not you. You'll need to move on. You lived for a decade or two without him before so, whats the difference now that you're without him/her? 
