Sunday, October 23, 2011

Understanding Men during Arguments

Arguments and misunderstandings, these are common issues in any relationships. No relationship is perfect, every now and then there are bouts of misunderstandings that arises, a couple of jealous remarks and heated conversations once in a while. This is understandable. This is common trait in every relationship, no matter how educated couples are, how civil, and how much they want to settle things amicable. Dispute and misunderstanding happens in every relationship and that is perfectly normal, once in a while. 

However, men and women are complex people with differences. Both are unique species with special ways of dealing things, especially arguments.

Women are the type to settle arguments the moment it arises. When you’re arguing about something you need to clear things right there and then. That is how women. They want to settle things as soon as possible and clear the air with whatever animosity or indifference there is between the couple.
However, the same is not true to men.

They want to let time pass, let things cool before tackling the subject again and talk about the issue. As much as possible they want to avoid the nagging, the shouting that will get both of you nowhere. When two people are engaged in a intense argument, chances are the two aren’t listening to each other and would end up in a much complicated situation. Thus, men opt to retreat while women chose to engage further with the issue.


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