Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why Relationships Fail To Actually Work Out

Why wouldn't it happen? When people are quite the obsessive type nowadays. They obsess on just about anything. They can't balance things, and focus on much important issues.

In a relationship, the couples love could either be too much or too less. The other person love him/her than the other one. Or the other person doesn't care about love but care bout sex, while the other was thinking of a fairy tale romance and not getting it.

It is most important to find out just what kind of a relationship you need, and you currently have. By the way, not most people take time to sit and think about their relationships rationally. They usually have this tinsy bitsy hallucinations in between. Like just how Cinderella-ish their love story will be in the distant future. How about try living today work on the relationship realistically for a better future.

If you're relationship keeps ending in an epic fail then there must be either something wrong with you and your love or, you're not paying attention to your relationship enough. Either you're obsessing 24/7 and starting to nag like a wife, or you're just having a passive boring relationship of 'you do your stuff I do mine' relationship type.

Not every people notice the changes in their relationship every month. Like if its growing, its stagnant or there is progress. A stuck up relationship would end up in epic fail. It must grow and couples need to explore on how they can grow together, make the relationship even better and avoid conflicts before it even burns a whole Forrest.

All it needs is a little of sensitivity, ears and emotional intelligence to work a relationship out.

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